What are you doing to improve the condition of the world?
We'd like to know!
Upload your information here. Tell us about your cause, your organization, your events. Most importantly, let others know how they can get involved!
whatrUdoing.org will be an interactive community - built and maintained by you. There are manifold problems that face our planet today; critical issues that can no longer be ignored. Some of us will feel more passionate about certain matters than others - or, perhaps, feel as though we are better positioned to affect change in one particular area more so than another. I feel as though there are so many problems that need our activism, that if each of us just picked one - JUST ONE! - and dedicated ourselves to that, we might collectively empower ourselves to transform the world. |
Each of the topics (listed left) will become active links to pages where you will be able to upload and maintain content. Use this site to update news regularly, announce relevant events and processes, solicit support, and clearly provide avenues for people to join you in your work. This is not a definitive list, however. This is only the framework for a list that will grow and change as the site develops. Please feel free to submit topics and sub-topics that you'd like to see listed here. (Utilize the form below.) While the problems of this world are too numerous to name, we aim to address as many of them as possible.
whatrUdoing.org will be a community effort. Your ideas and suggestions are more than welcome here!
There are established organizations that are committed to servicing multiple causes. If you are one of them, we invite you to use this site to help further educate the public. Perhaps your organization focuses on a single issue – whatrUdoing.org can be your springboard to an even larger community. While the general public may be misinformed, fearful, or even complacent, I’ve found that no one is entirely apathetic to the myriad changes and injustices of the world today. We are all concerned. We are all affected. Yet, the work of challenging the "authorities" has been relegated to a very few. Hopefully the twain can meet here – the general, concerned public and established activist groups and individuals – and we can figure out ways to join and strengthen each other. “What can I do?” “How can I help?” These are the questions that I hope people will have answered here.
It is easy, popular even, to look at the condition of the world and feel that everything is out of (our) control. The problems loom too large; the Powers….well, too powerful. The truth is often too convoluted for the average person to notice the wool being pulled over his eyes. Well, it’s wake-up time! We all need to make an effort to tune into alternative media sources, where the truth can often be found. Our first mission is to inform ourselves and, secondly, find a cause that we can committ to. Some of us may not know where or how to begin to do this. whatrUdoing.org was created to ensure that everyone could easily access information on a wide range of issues. If you are not sure how you can help improve the world, you will be able to find out here. My idea is that NONE OF US can afford to stand idle while our "leaders" (elected or not) dictate our futures and the fate of all mankind. Our liberties are vanishing at an alarming rate, our food supply is being adulterated, mainstream media is an abyss of misinformation, our sons and daughters have been sacrificed for an unjust war which – even with a change of administration – offers no end in sight. This is a critical time for our planet, and everyone must find a way to contribute to the causes that affect our lives. Humanity requires that of us all at this time.
Even if only a small effort, if each of us took the time to do some-thing about the issues in life we feel passionate about, change is not only possible but highly probable. I once heard that 'you eat an elephant one bite at a time.' I encourage everyone to take at least one bite. If you haven't already, you can begin here. Change starts with all of us. We are the keepers of freedom, We are the leaders of the future. The children of this planet are depending on us. When things are going badly and we've done nothing but watch and complain, then we have only ourselves to blame.